Are you organising a promotional event? Our Promo models grab peoples attention with both their looks and their enthusiastic personality sure to gain peoples interest. They specialise in providing Promo and Brand Ambassadors for product launches, events, trade shows, functions and more.

When you are marketing your brand, product or stand the most important thing is to stand out from your competitors and if there’s one thing our Promo models do, it’s stand out. They can help you become the centre of attention.

Our goal is to ensure you will have the right team for you personally picked for your brand and target audience to meet your objectives. Not only are they beautiful they’re professional and have a high standard of appearance, our promo models are very sociable and knowledgeable to best reflect the image of your business.

 Promo Model Prices

Promotion Pricing is priced on application. If you have a query please give us a call on 0275374700 to discuss your needs.

Available Promo Models

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